Learn to Shoot Tethered from John David Pittman at MAPSYM

Posted by: on Apr 20, 2015

Learn to Shoot Tethered from John David Pittman at MAPSYM


If your going to MAPSym, May 16-17, make sure to check out John David Pittman’s presentation on shooting tethered.  The session will be on Sunday, May 17th, at 1:00 PM in the Maple Room.

During this live demo class, JDP will discuss and demonstrate several of his favorite lighting techniques for creating unique portraits in studio. In addition, JDP will show you how shooting tethered benefits your creative workflow.

JDP will cover the basics of getting started shooting tethered as well the benefits of doing such. JDP is is a commercial and editorial portrait photographer based in Little Rock, AR. JDP’s work has been featured in advertising campaigns and published in the pages of numerous regional magazines across the southern US as well as national publications including TIME Magazine, Automotive News, Dance Teacher Magazine, Dance Spirit, Southern Bride, Rangefinder, and Professional Photographer Magazine.

If you have any questions about Tether Tools or our products, Brad Matthews will also be at MAPSym.