Setting the Wi-Fi Network Priority for Your Case Air on Android and Windows Devices

Posted by: on Mar 13, 2017

Setting the Wi-Fi Network Priority for Your Case Air on Android and Windows Devices
One of the nicer features of Android and Windows devices is that it remembers all Wi-Fi networks that it has been connected to. However, there’s an issue that arises in locations where multiple Wi-Fi networks are available. This can be annoying because your Android or Windows device may automatically want to connect to your in-studio or other Wi-Fi when you want it to connect to your Case Air’s Wi-Fi network. With a few simple steps, you can ‘hack’ your device to reorder networks to make the Case Air Wi-Fi the primary network that your device connects to first. Setting the Wi-Fi Network Priority on Windows 10
  1. Click the wireless icon in the notification area
  2. Check the Connect automatically box of the Case Wi-Fi
  3. Connecting to a network and choosing Connect automatically moves the network up in the priority list
  Setting the Wi-Fi Network Priority on Android Devices At the time of writing, we haven’t found a way to to prioritize the Wi-Fi on Android operating system Nougat. There are many workarounds, and one of the more popular (and FREE) app to solve this problem is ‘WiFi Prioritizer’ available in the Google Play store. Download here: From the app description, “WiFi Prioritizer aims to solve a simple problem by attempting to automatically reconnect to a higher priority wireless network when it comes in range while still being connected to a lower priority wireless network. Simply drag the networks in the desired sequence and the app will take care of the rest. The default values are pulled from what’s set in the system WifiManager. Android will honor those priorities only when it’s establishing a fresh WiFi connection. So to help the system WiFi Prioritizer will also update those priorities (if the option is enabled) when you re-order the networks.”