Having Issues Shooting Tethered into Adobe Lightroom?

Posted by: on Apr 06, 2016

Having Issues Shooting Tethered into Adobe Lightroom?
lr-new-540x400-d Nothing is more frustrating than being ready to shoot, but stopped dead in your tracks with a tethered capture not cooperating. If Adobe Lightroom isn’t capturing photos consistently during tethered shooting, take some time and review the three troubleshooting suggestions below. Before we hop into getting your tethered capture running smoothly, confirm that Adobe Lightroom supports your camera for tethered shooting. Also, make sure that your camera is supported by the version of Lightroom that you’re using and the operating system that your computer is running. 
  1. Download the most recent version of Lightroom
Now this one might seem obvious, but make sure your Adobe Lightroom is update-to-date and any and all updates have been downloaded and installed.
  1. How to recover from a dropped connection
First try and turn the camera off and on. If that doesn’t work, try completely disconnecting the camera from the computer. Then, turn the computer off and on, and try tethered shooting again:
  • Turn off the camera.
  • Disconnect the camera from the computer.
  • Quit Lightroom and restart the computer.
  • Open Lightroom.
  • Reconnect the camera.
  • Turn on the camera and try tethered shooting.
  1. Nikon users: Remove the memory card out of your camera
As you might already know, Nikon cameras do not write an image copy to the memory card in the camera. If you have a card full of data, or a card in your camera at all it could interfere with the data transfer. It’s best to simply remove it.
Still having issues? Head over to the Adobe Lightroom help page for more information.